Our purpose: Provide oversight and leadership around educational opportunities for all ages that encourage and nurture the life long process of faith formation.
Meeting dates and times: We meet immediately after church on the first Sunday of even months.
Committee Chairs: Pam Woodrich and Brent Rithamel
Our purpose: Encourage and promote the growth, health, and faith of individual members of the congregation and the community.
Meeting dates and times: We meet immediately after church on the last Sunday of February, May, and October.
Committee Chairs: Kathy Frederick and Marie Rithamel
Our purpose: Ensure the proper maintenance and protection of all property
Meeting dates and times: We meet immediately after church on the second Sunday of every month.
Committee Chairs: Tyler Frederick and Dennis Frederick
Our purpose: Design and provide inviting and quality worship service.
Meeting dates and times: We meet immediately after church on the first Sunday of odd months.
Committee Chair: Dani Lawler
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
228 Martin Street, Sharon, WI 53585